A bedroom is far more than just a place to sleep. It is a place to have fun (you know), relax, read and yes, sleep. So you spend a lot of time in your bedroom, possibly with company. In which case, you’ll want to make sure that the mattress you’re lying on is comfortable so that you can wake up well-rested in the morning rather than tired and sore. By staying on the lookout for some of the best online mattress reviews, you will be able to pick up yourself a high-quality mattress that will serve you well for many nights to come. So you want the design of your bedroom to match your personality, right? Are you whimsical? Serious? Funny? Creative? Or probably a mix a few things. You can decorate your bed with plenty of fun designs, like these realistic 3d looking bedding sets. You may still want that eye catching centrepiece. So let your headboard be your defining piece. Which is hard to do when you buy it from a store.
Well, DIY ingenuity is here to save the day. With a more creative do-it-yourself headboard idea you can change your bedroom into something you want to see the lights on, even when sleeping. 😉 There are many DIY ideas for headboards below using wood boards, shutters, quilts, a single mattress, fun patterns, paintings, brick work, chalk board paint, fabrics, and even some boat oars and a car front end! Just don’t make the mistake my friends did, salvaging and scavenging everything in sight only to find they didn’t have enough room for it all! Luckily Bulldog Rubbish Removal were on hand to get rid of all the excess rubbish they’d picked up!
DIY Headboard source