Sure, people can be photogenic or ridiculously photogenic as it were, but our animal counterparts can rock the camera too, without even trying. Rather than overwhelm you with cute kittens we have chosen a good looking group of animals that look great on (digital) film and all meet the stands we have set for being ridiculously photogenic! Get ready to see some animals who take a great picture, for example…
This awesome bear
This ginger cow
This winking dog
This smiling dolphin
This gorgeous duck stealing your heart
This eagle with a piercing stare
Or this eagle who knows how to strike a pose
This good looking fish who knows how to photobomb
This fox who steals hearts
This cute frog who smiles for the camera
A baby giraffe mugging for the camera
A proud mamma gorilla with her baby
This green bird with a new hairstyle that is fabulous
This horse who defines the phrase wonderful mane of hair
This Kangaroo who definitely has it going on
This dog who melts hearts with a smile
This monkey who has something to smile about
This panda with a wry smile
this seal showing his best Blue Steel
This sea turtle playing it cool
A sloth with a smile that matches his eyes
This whale whose teeth make his smile very happy
This mountain goat who knows how sexy he really is
This but acting coy