Are your walls looking a little bare? Is your purse or wallet also looking a bit empty. Then you are in luck, we have 14 very simple, very cheap DIY projects that will give you some great looking wall art. You can get something like a stacked stone faux panel these days that can look as good as the real thing without breaking the bank. These projects look professional, but are inexpensive and so simple almost anyone can do it. If you fancy getting a little more upmarket, then why not consider some glass wall art. It really adds a unique focus point to any room. DIYers and decorators who are interested in wall art that could be a great project, with some trying the modern mounting technique. No longer are these types of wall art for the New York Loft lifestyle, but are quickly becoming popular for home decorating and DIY projects. If you are interested in finding out more about modern mounting techniques for your home, you might want to check out somewhere similar to Bumblejax.com for inspiration and information.
Another piece of wall art with this technique.