Quotes on Beauty and Being Beautiful
Quotes on Beauty, being beautiful and what is true beauty by some of the most beautiful and smartest women and men in the world.
Quotes on Beauty, being beautiful and what is true beauty by some of the most beautiful and smartest women and men in the world.
Fun and inspiration Facebook Covers – You can’t deny Facebook is the leading social network and the abundance of good and bad Facebook covers is a good clue as to how dominant it is. Here some of the more popular covers.
Very sweet, so I hope this wasn’t staged by a photographer but it probably was. Still, a great photograph to inspire other, especially who might be going through their own chemotherapy treatments causing hair loss.
Graffiti Faces Painted on silos and walls give the landscape a more pleasant and interesting look. Graffiti can seem like a bad thing, but when an artist takes the time to add beauty to decay I think we can handle a little graffiti now and then.
Dog beards may be a new fashion, but I think they will catch on. Better get your own dog and then get your dog beard while they are still in fashion.
Want a little privacy or some seclusion from your fellow man and neighbor. Try building your home in the crater of an extinct volcano; your neighbor problems will be a thing of the past.
The goes around and so does this cat as it spins for an eternity as an animated gif for our amusement. Thank you, O’ Spinning Cat.
Got any old tires laying around, then take a look at these DIY ideas for recycling those tires rather than taking them to a landfill or tire recycle center. Recycled tires can be steps, swings, chairs and more.
If you are a guy you have probably been to the friend zone at least once and if you are a girl you have probably put at least 2 guys in the friendzone, while never experiencing it for yourself. Well, it sucks. So be straight with us and tell us […]
Big baby heads are never fun, unless they are on adult bodies. Funny baby head swaps for your viewing pleasure.
Dogs love leashes, cats not so much. Although from these pictures and animated gifs you can tell some cats have no problem being led on a leash. Some cats are just being dragged by a leash. So not all cats like being walked on a leash, but some don’t mind. […]
Theses are a bunch of pictures. 28 pictures to be exact. These pictures are quite random. These pictures are quite funny. That is all.
These incredible pieces of art from SharpWriter (he sells prints too), show some of the American Presidents (and Steven Colbert) doing some totally badass things, such as riding velociraptors, shooting bigfoot fighting tigers, punching gorillas, shooting zombies and fighting gods. It’s good to be the President.
We have a great response from our first post about funny baby announcements, so here is the sequel. When it comes time to alert the world that your baby is about to arrive, why not do it with an announcement that will make a splash and make them laugh. Here […]
If you are gonna break your arm, do the cast right. Iron Man armor and replusor rays. Sweet.
Crafts are great for DIY projects, here are some easy ones to try.
Are your walls looking a little bare? Is your purse or wallet also looking a bit empty. Then you are in luck, we have 14 very simple, very cheap DIY projects that will give you some great looking wall art. You can get something like a stacked stone faux panel […]
We don’t post videos usually, but this video has to be seen to be believed. A copperhead snake has its head chopped off and then bites its own body. Freaky deaky!
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