We all know that cosplay costumes are a combination of cool, creepy and interesting. We may mock them cosplayers but we also marvel at their handiwork and their bravery for their craft. Photographer Klaus Pichler has captured these cosplayers at home in his photo series of portraits called “Just the Two of Us” and the photos are very interesting and very weird. The fearsome cosplay costumes are toned down by the simplicity and safety of the homes, which is even creepier, yes?
Pichler explains: “Who hasn’t had the desire just to be someone else for awhile? Dressing up is a way of creating an alter ego and a second skin which one’s behavior can be adjusted to. Regardless of the motivating factors which cause somebody to acquire a costume, the main principle remains the same: the civilian steps behind the mask and turns into somebody else. ’Just the Two of Us’ deals with both: the costumes and the people behind them.“
Source: kpic.at