32 Portraits of Cosplayers at Home in Costume

11 November, 2013 Pixel Pete 0

We all know that cosplay costumes are a combination of cool, creepy and interesting. We may mock them cosplayers but we also marvel at their handiwork and their bravery for their craft. Photographer Klaus Pichler has captured these cosplayers at home in his photo series of portraits called “Just the […]

Bad Cosplay Costumes (28 Fails)

11 August, 2013 Pixel Pete 0

Going to a cosplay event with your costume you have worked for weeks or months on is a great feeling. Going to a cosplay event with a costume you have worked on for a hours is going to get you laughed at. Of course, spending a lot of time on […]

39 Stunning Costumed Cosplay Girls

24 July, 2013 Pixel Pete 0

Thank God for Cosplay girls and their wonderful costumes. The amount of time and expertise to create these stunning costumes probably rivals what the costume designers in the movies put forth for their finished designs. So don’t just appreciate the beauty of the women, but also marvel at the skill […]