Sometimes any of us can get carried away and buy something for ourselves or someone we care about. Maybe the gift is a joke or we are just temporarily insane. To help you to never get in that situation here are 11 products you should never, ever buy for anyone, including yourself, know what I’m saying?
These are so bad it makes cringe that some company actually spent money to research, build and ship these horrible product ideas to stores so some sucker would buy it in a moment of pure weakness.
The ice cream cone spinner. Yes, it looks like something from a dirty movie. Yet, I still think it is a bad product idea.
Bread Gloves. Why? What’s wrong with loaves?
A wine rack or a bra you drink from. A bad pun and a bad product.
I have no words, except this. Pooping glitter is a cry for help.
Maybe a good product, but a very bad name.
Well, this is just utter…
Do we need to make fast food easier to eat? Well, maybe. I do like McDonald’s fries.
If you are going to shoot things, a Hello Kitty gun may not inspire the fear you hope. Of course they will think you are insane.
Who wants to smell a German meal when they walk through the door. This candle is a bad idea.
Ghost turds? Or styrofoam peanuts? Both are nuts.
I would hope this is a Photoshop scarf, but sadly I don’t think it is. Big Scarfs are really blankets, yes?
What products are so bad you would never buy one?