Marilyn Monroe certainly was a lot of things: sexy, beautiful, interesting, tragic and most definitely cool. While this site has no misconceptions about Marilyn and all her faults, no one can deny this bombshell was the epitome of cool. I mean, come on, she hung out with Elvis on rooftops in New York. That is cool. She also did some very cool things such as helping out Ella Fitzgerald, as seen in the first image below.
Ella and Marilyn
Marilyn Looking Cool in Sunglasses at Night
Marilyn Wearing a Bikini Like No One Else and so Cool Doing It
Marilyn even stand on her head totally cool.
Love the hair and the smile, both cool.
How much cooler can Marilyn Monroe be than taking a photo while supporting the troops!
Marilyn looking classy cool with her fur
Marilyn is even Cool with this Turkey
Marilyn Entertaining the Troops Photo
Marilyn greeted by the Queen of England
Marilyn and Elvis on a rooftop in New York, I told you she was cool. Even Elvis thought so.
At heart she seemed to be a girl just wanting to have fun…and do cartwheels.
Marilyn probably couldn’t play the ukulele, but she looks totally cool holding one.
Okay, she is also hot.
And Marilyn can also pull off nerdy cool.
Cool and selfless at times.
And fun loving…a little girl to the end.
Too bad she was never able to become a Mom, might have been the best thing for her. Most likely would have been a cool Mom.
Marilyn lifting weights. Yes, cool and sexy.
Marilyn looks hot in a bikini, yet still cool. If Marilyn was alive this day in age, many modern men would probably like to see her feature on online Milf Cams for adult viewing pleasure, especially with her being able to rock a bikini like she did.
Saying hello to the Queen in an animated gif. Beautiful woman who knew how to act.