As the television show The Simpsons begin its 25 glorious seasons on TV we thought back to the hundreds of creative, funny, and often unseen signs that have flashed by. If you’ve ever missed some but you don’t have the network The Simpsons are on to watch the episodes, check out infinity dish online and see what package deals you can get so you don’t miss these hilarious signs and episodes again! The Simpsons is a smart who, for all of its dumb humor. And some of the most intelligent comedy involves the various signs that pop up advertising such as waiting until marriage to have sex from Sonic the Hedgehog, or a sign asking teachers and parents to share the blame on parent/teacher night. And one of my favorites from a the church sign, Today’s Message: Jesus Hates You. Ah, guilt at its finest for poor Grandpa Simpson. Clever, witty and funny signs speak to us and add that lovely twist to a message. The use of signs isn’t just popular in The Simpsons. It could also make a difference to your business too. If the misfortune that this family have to go through has made you think about improving the signage for your business, it wouldn’t harm you to look into sites such as, in the hopes of making a positive change when it comes to advertising. See, The Simpsons can be more than just a cartoon if you look into it properly.