Beauty is far more than just skin deep, it goes all the way to the pixels and sometimes depends on the colors of a photoshop color wheel. Today’s world is full of deception and misdirection and the fashion world of beauty and youth leads the way. Giving women a false perception of beauty that is impossible to match, the fashion world just keeps pushing the Photoshop body as the body to shoot for. Not only is this impossible, it is unfair and hurting our youth with unrealistic goals for body fitness. I think we can all agree that there are more productive ways to use fantastic software like photoshop (click here to learn more about it), that doesn’t seek to hide floors but just naturally touch up what is there. The same can be said for facial beauty standards, causing many to opt for treatment to fix nose bump for example.
Many people see photos of celebrities and aspire to achieve their level of physical perfection, though this does not stop at the body. Teeth are an important part of anyone’s aesthetic and ensuring that they are in pristine condition is all part of achieving a Hollywood-worthy smile, as you see on TV or in the movies. There’s no photoshop required if you’ve had procedures from a Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, so why not book an appointment and see how they can give your smile a makeover? People unhappy with their bodies may find that there’s no need for invasive procedures that remove fat and skin to find happiness in themselves and that their smile is at the centre of it all and was the key to their confidence.
Marilyn Monroe, maybe the most beautiful woman in recent history never needed Photoshop, so why do models today? Here are 17 Photoshop makeovers with both before and after pictures to give us all a dose of reality on what a real human face and body looks like. I hope we can realize beauty in reality, not tweaked with a Photoshop brush.
I think she looks far better in the before photo – because the light and shadow were removed from the centre of her face, her face looks flat and fatter. And the shadows around her nose were incorrectly altered to make her nose look much wider. The lovely arches in her eyebrows were removed to take the life and youth out of her face. And the dark outlines on her irises were removed, taking away the very thing that made them beautiful in the first place. As a professional artist, I understand the importance of light and shadow – it’s too bad a photoshop course can make someone think they have the ability to fix what should be left alone…this digital artist badly needs to take some anatomy courses.