Drinking is a necessity of life, but drinking from boring glasses is not, that’s why there are companies similar to Cornet Barcelona to liven things up. Perhaps you’ve always wanted a glass with a zipper on it, or maybe you want to channel your inner viking and drink from your very own horn from alehorn.com. So whether you are drinking water, tea, soda, wine, martinis, beer or any other alcohol, we have some very unusual glasses you should consider, as we all want to make drinking our favorite beverages even more exciting, right?
With the evolution of alcoholic drinks continuing to make an impression on the population, more and more people are starting to look for something like a New Jersey fake ID to ensure they can drink what they want to drink, as well as it featuring in a glass that is truly out of this world. It’s the only way to make sure that everyone has fun at the same time. So, with that being said, what type of glasses can we expect to see on the market?
The Moist And Marry Glasses
Your dinner guests look at the image of a dog peeing on a fire hydrant on their glass. If dogs don’t send the right message, you can also see a boy peeing on your glass. Yellow liquids work best. (Designer: Donkey Products)
Solo Wine Glasses
Red Cup Wine Glass ($6): Solo cup-inspired glassware for those of us who forget our college drinking days.
Crinkled Glass
Made from recycled glass. (Designer: Rob Brandt)
On The Rock Glass and Ice Ball
Classy and cold liquor.
From Everything But Wine.
Hopside Down
Hey, it looks like an upside down beer bottle. Cool. Now if only it was a little bigger. How much bigger? How about the size of a huge beer bottle, then it may be big enough to quench a sizable thirst! (buy)
Butterfly And Spider Glass Set
The set of 3 glasses consists of a butterfly, spider and spider web printed on individual glasses. Stack them on top of each other and a story emerges. (Designer: Propaganda)
Botanical Martini Glass
A martini glass with tree roots made from glass. A clever idea that work great as a solid base and a conversation for your slurred speech. Very unusual glass. (Designer: Benjamin Hubert)
Magnetic Shot Glasses
Magnetic Shot Glasses ($26): Don’t let your drunkenness off balance put your party at risk. Get shot glasses that stay on the table while serving them. These unusual drinking glasses keep you in control of your drinking…yeah, right.
You love your beer, but you like to keep it classy and have your win too. Well, now there is a glass for your beer and a glass for your wine, in one convenient and unusual glass. (buy)
Unusual Champagne Flute
Double-walled champagne flute keeps your champagne cold for much longer. (Designer: Alissia Melka-Teichroew)
Cipher Drinking Glass
The color of the liquid causes the name to show on the design. Hide your drink preference until you actually pour the drink. Remain mysterious! (Designer: Damjan Stankovic)
Mustache Glass
You can’t or wont’ grow a mustache. No problem let your glassware to it for you. (link)
Olive Martini Cocktail Glass
This artistic martini glass is much cooler than you, but don’t worry it will make you cooler when you drink from it.
By Garrett Keisling on Artful Home.
Unusually Short Martini Glass
This martini glass is double walled so it keeps your drink colder, longer. But who are we kidding, no one sips a martini that long, especially you. (Designer: Alissia Melka-Teichroew)
Swimmers Glasses
Kids love to swim…in milk, coke, tea and probably water while drawn on this glass.
Now you no longer need three hands while drinking at a party. This unusual glass has a hole in it to carry your silverware or napkin or whatever fits. (Designer: Alvaro Lagos Vasquez)
Zipper Wine Glass
Wine is usually great and getting zippers down. So why not get the message out early. (Image Source: after5catalog)
Crowd of People Glasses
Not sure how cool this is but it is weird. Maybe a conversation piece? Maybe. (link)
Not a Very Good Glass
No one drinks like this, especially wine. But it is unusual, so it makes it to our page. (Designer: Jeremy Brown)
Plastic Cup Wine Glass
Another solo glass design but this time it is a bit classier in that the cup/glass isn’t red. (Designer: Maxim Velcovsky)
Musical Wine Glass
Make sure your wine glasses are always in tune. You never know when you have to play a song to impress that lady from across the bar. Website: uncommongoods.com